Hi Everyone!
As you can see from the title of this post, I am going to be talking about some of my new year resolutions. I didn't even think that I would be doing this post but I have been inspired by Lana x's YouTube video on her new year resolutions. There's quite a lot so I'd better get started:

2) To stick to my revision timetable! This is a really big one for me and probably the most important one. I get bored quite easily so will stop revising and just laze about. I really need to begin to stay more motivated and revise so I don't panic when my exam approach.
3) This is probably a big one on everyone's list - to save money! This is something my mum suggested to me which is to put aside a certain amount on a monthly basis and save it for the future. I think I might have to do that and pull back my urge for buying new makeup.
4) To look after my skin. I don't always wear makeup and don't ever sleep in it so I don't really take care of my skin like I should. On days that I don't wear any makeup, I feel like I can just miss my skin care regime but taking care of your skin is always important. I have already planned my skin care routine and hope to stick to it!
5) To get a decent night's sleep. I struggle to go to sleep on time which results to me waking up like an hour before it's time for me to leave for school and it's even worse when I don't have to get up for school! If I go to sleep early, I always end up waking up at ridiculous times like 3am! I have no idea how I am going to do this but I hope I do.
6) To exercise regularly. This kind of links to some of my other resolutions; to get toned, to get a decent sleep and I guess it can help with your skin as well. I would like to exercise everyday whenever I get the time, even if it's just like 20 minutes - every minute helps!
7) To improve on my makeup. Having only started wearing makeup like less than a year ago, I really feel I need to up my makeup game and make it more of a professional quality. I guess I should add this here as well, I really want to store my makeup properly. Right now, I have a dressing table and some acrylic containers. My mum has the IKEA Malm and she's happy with swapping our dressing tables around as she feels it's a bit big for her use. Once this is done, I really want to organise all my makeup properly.
8) To never give up and be confident! I need to remember to never give up no matter how hard things get - with each hardship comes ease. I need to remember to be confident at all times and if I believe in myself, nothing can go wrong. This is really important to me, especially with my GCSEs.
9) To improve my blog. I literally have no followers on my blog so I really need to improve it to make it something that people love. This is probably one of the more difficult resolutions as I have a busy life - school, homework, revision and family. Despite this, I will still try.
10) To be a better person overall! I'm not suggesting change. I understand no matter how hard I try to be the person someone wants, I will always have my flaws. Also, no one should have to change for someone, everyone has the right to show their own unique personality. I just want to have a more positive attitude and appreciate the people that I love and the people that love me.
What are your new year resolutions?
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